

Step1: 生成交易

const tx = {
to, // To Address
data, // Transaction Data
value, // The value transferred to `To Address`

Step2: 通过 simulateTransaction() 获取手续费选项

const {
isFeeRequired, // whether required fee for the transaction
feeOptions: FeeOptions, // the fee options
} = await smartAccount.simulateTransaction(tx);

Step3: 应用侧验证手续费代币是否足够

import { constants } from "ethers";

if (isFeeRequired) {
const feeOption; // Select Fee Option from fee options Got From `Step2`
let balance;
// Validate Native Token
if (feeOption.token === constants.ZeroAddress) {
balance = await smartAccount
.getBalance(await smartAccount.getAddress());

// Validate ERC20 Token
} else {
const erc20Interface = [
"function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance)",
const erc20Contract = new Contract(
new ethers.utils.Interface(ERC20Interface),
balance = erc20Contract.balanceOf(await smartAccount.getAddress());

if (balance.le(feeOptions.amount)) {
console.error("Fee Balance Not Enough");


Step4: 指定手续费代币并发送交易

if (isFeeRequired) {
const feeOption;
const response = await smartAccount.sendTransaction(tx, {
fee: feeOption,
}); // Send Transaction
const receipt = await response.wait(); // Got Transaction Receipt Or Wait For at most 60 seconds
// const receipt = await response.wait(1, 60);
} else {
// Not Need Fee
const response = await smartAccount.sendTransaction(tx); // Send Transaction
const receipt = await response.wait(); // Got Transaction Receipt