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Using ethers.js

import { UniPassProvider } from "@unipasswallet/ethereum-provider";
import { providers, utils } from "ethers";

async function runTest() {
// init UniPass Provider
const upProvider = new UniPassProvider({
chainId: 137,
returnEmail: false,
appSetting: {
appName: 'test dapp',
appIcon: 'your icon url',
rpcUrls: {
mainnet: "your eth mainnet rpc url",
polygon: "your polygon mainnet rpc url",
bscMainnet: "your bsc mainnet rpc url",
rangersMainnet: "your rangers mainnet rpc url",
arbitrumMainnet: "your arbitrum mainnet rpc url",

polygonMumbai: "your polygon testnet rpc url",
goerli: "your goerli testnet rpc url",
bscTestnet: "your bsc testnet rpc url",
rangersRobin: "your rangers testnet rpc url",
arbitrumTestnet: "your arbitrum testnet rpc url",
await upProvider.connect();

// init ethers Web3Provider
const provider = new providers.Web3Provider(upProvider, "any");
const signer = provider.getSigner();

// get address
const address = await signer.getAddress();
console.log("provider address", address);

// get balance
const balance = await signer.getBalance();
console.log("balance", utils.formatEther(balance));

// switch chain
await provider.send("wallet_switchEthereumChain", [{ chainId: 1 }]);
const chainId = await signer.getChainId();
console.log("chainId", chainId);

Verify signature

For how to verify the signature on server, please refer to UniPass Verifying Messages.