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Quick Start

Source Code

Source code of the SDK can be found on Github.

You can have a look at the examples made on top of this SDK and try it out yourself.


iOS version 12.0 or newer


  1. UniPassSDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'UniPassSDK'
  1. Update your project pod dependencies by running
pod install
  1. Set your app bundle identifier

  2. Then you can use UniPassSDK in your project:

import UniPassSDK

History Version

VersionLast updatedUniPass Wallet Entry URLUPgrade Instruction
v0.0.72023.04.13 forceLogin option for login api
v0.0.62023.03.28 switch user bug when sign-message and send-transaction
v0.0.52023.02.10 invoke SDK failed immediately after opening app through code start process, such as URL Scheme.
v0.0.42023.02.07 login parameter connectType to loginOption, and add more options like returnEmail, authorize etc to loginOption.
v0.0.32023.02.03 option deep for logout. Website state won't be cleared when deep is set to false
v0.0.12023.01.14 Login / Send Transaction / Sign Message / Logout methods