

创建 UniPassSDK 实例

UniPassSDK 是一个单例模式,请使用 getInstance 初始化类或获取 uniPassWallet 实例

uniPassWallet = UniPassWallet.getInstance(uniPassWalletOptions: UniPassWalletOptions)


interface UniPassWalletOptions {
env: Environment; // SDK Environment
redirectUrl: string; // URL that UniPassSDK will redirect API responses
walletUrl?: string; // UniPass Wallet Url,Default is https://testnet.wallet.unipass.id
appSettings?: AppSetting; // configuration optional object to use custom app settings


// appSettings
interface AppSetting {
chain: ChainType;
appName: string;
appIcon: string;
theme: UniPassTheme;

// ChainType
type ChainType = 'eth' | 'polygon' | 'bsc' | 'rangers' | 'scroll';

enum UniPassTheme {
DARK = 'dark',
LIGHT = 'light',
CASSAVA = 'cassava',

enum Environment {
MAINNET = 'mainnet',
TESTNET = 'testnet',

Code sample

import UniPassWallet, { Environment } from 'react-native-up';

const uniPassWallet = UniPassWallet.getInstance({
env: Environment.TESTNET,
redirectUrl: 'unipass://com.unipass.wallet/redirect',