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Create an UniPassPopupSDK instance with a PopupSDKOption object to customize. This is the definition of PopupSDKOption:


The same email has different UniPass account address in mainnet and testnet, please do not use testnet configuration for mainnet.

export type Environment = 'test' | 'prod';
export declare type ChainType = | 'polygon'
| 'bsc'
| 'rangers'
| 'eth'
| 'scroll'
| 'arbitrum';

// UniPass Wallet entry URL
export interface WalletURL {
domain?: string;
protocol?: "https" | "http";

// Basic Theme
export declare enum UniPassTheme {
LIGHT = "light",
DARK = "dark",

// Config before open the popup window
export declare type AppSettings = {
chain?: ChainType;
appName?: string;
appIcon?: string;
theme?: UniPassTheme;

// UniPass Wallet init config
export declare type PopupSDKOption = {
readonly nodeRPC?: string;
readonly chainType?: ChainType;
readonly env?: Environment;
readonly storageType?: StorageType;
readonly walletUrl?: WalletURL;
readonly appSettings?: AppSettings;
readonly [key: string]: any;

Code sample

Init testnet code sample

const upWallet = new UniPassPopupSDK({
env: "test",
// for polygon mumbai
chainType: "polygon",
// choose localStorage if you want to cache user account permanent
storageType: "sessionStorage"
appSettings: {
theme: UniPassTheme.LIGHT,
appName: "UniPass Wallet Demo",
appIcon: "",

Init mainnet code sample

const upWallet = new UniPassPopupSDK({
env: "prod",
// for polygon mainnet
chainType: "polygon",
appSettings: {
theme: UniPassTheme.LIGHT,
appName: "UniPass Wallet Demo",
appIcon: "",