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Create an instance with a WalletConfig object to customize.

public class WalletConfig
public enum Environment
testnet, mainnet,

public enum ChainType
polygon, bsc, rangers,

public enum Theme
dark, light,

public enum ConnectType
both, google, email

// for polygon mumbai
// chainType: "polygon",
public string nodeRPC = "";

// for eth testnet
// chainType: "eth",
// public string nodeRPC = "",

// for bsc testnet
// chainType: "bsc",
// public string nodeRPC = "",

// for rangers robin
// chainType: "rangers",
// public string nodeRPC = "",

public string appIcon = "";

public ChainType chainType = ChainType.polygon;

public string domain = "";

public string protocol = "https";

public Environment env = Environment.testnet;

public string appName = "";

public Theme theme = Theme.dark;

public bool returnEmail = false;

Code sample

public Wallet wallet;

Unity Setup